EXTENDED UNTIL THE FEBRUARY 2011 BAR EXAM!! The Bar exam tip of the day is FREE!!
A great resource for ANYONE preparing for the bar exam. The Tip of The Day App gives you very detailed, on point tips that are little nuggets that put 1 fact a day in your head.
For example, a sample tip:
There are only 3 hearsay exceptions if the declarant is unavailable:
1. Dying Declaration
2. Statement Against Interest
3. Former Testimony
So, in your fact pattern, if they tell you that the declarant of the statement trying to be introduced is NOT AVAILABLE, the ONLY 3 possible hearsay exceptions are listed above.
Check the app everyday and help improve your MBE score. If it gives you 5 more answers correct on the test, it is WELL worth it.
It requires 5 minutes a day of your time, at most! What do you have to lose?
Check out all the bar exam review material at my site, www.GynnMethod.com.
And good luck on your exam!